Accessibility Ambassadors

Access 4 All Spokane is developing teams of Accessibility Ambassadors to use our checklist when we visit and review local places.

The information the teams gather is shared with the owners of those places, and then with people that experience disabilities in our area, through an online directory.

Accessibility Ambassadors will receive training on how to use the checklist, along with understanding the social model of disability.

If you are interested in becoming an A4A Accessibility Ambassador, contact Dave Reynolds at 509-216-2611 or

4 Replies to “Accessibility Ambassadors”

  1. I am in a power wheelchair and need to get from the Spokane airport to coeur d’alene resort and return. Do you know of any transport for this? I arrtive on 4-30 and depart on 5-2 of this year.

    Thanks in advance

  2. We are aware that ‘access’ means different things to different people and we are now in the process of recruiting individuals who regularly visit Warwick Arts Centre and people that have never visited to take part in our Access Ambassador scheme.

  3. The UCS made several changes to our physical environment as a result of what we thought was a very thorough and very thoughtful process. The Hawkeye Accessibility Ambassador Program allows students with disabilities the opportunity to advance their leadership and advocacy skills while concurrently assisting the University with designing facilities that are more universally designed, inclusive, welcoming and supportive of individuals with disabilities.

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